Spiritual Realm
Natural Realm
At the moment of creation, Adam was fashioned in the very likeness of God. Essentially, man comprises a spiritual essence, possessing a soul and residing within a physical body. In this original state, the boundary between the natural and spiritual realms was so subtle that Adam likely didn't perceive any distinction. He could relish the delights of the garden, enjoying its scents, sights, and sounds of nature. He could fulfill the command to be intimate with his wife as instructed by his Creator, and on the same day, walk openly and intimately with God in that very same garden. Everything was unified for them, and the awareness of any distinction between the two realms essentially did not exist in its current form until after the fall.
Physical Matter/ Material Substance.
Observable by the natural eye.
Deemed inferior to the spiritual realm.
Subject to the influence of the spiritual realm.
Temporal in nature; destined to fade away.
Inhabited by physical beings.
Governed by natural laws and principles.
Serves as a reflection of the spiritual realm, akin to a mere shadow of genuine reality.
Immaterial and spiritual in essence.
Beyond the realm of physical matter.
Unseen by the natural eye.
Superior to the natural realm.
Exercises governance over the natural realm.
Eternal in existence, enduring without end.
Inhabited by spiritual beings.
Governed by spiritual laws and principles.
Represents the true reality and essence underlying the natural realm.